

Original price was: $750.00.Current price is: $449.00.


Small area:  Full Face


The CoolPeel is an innovative cosmetic treatment that uses laser technology to remove the damaged layer of a patient’s skin. It’s a resurfacing treatment that delivers high-power short laser pulses to the target area. This provides fully ablative effects without risking any thermal damage to the patient’s skin.

The idea is to allow the damaged skin to peel away and give way to new, younger skin. As a result, fine line & wrinkles, acne scars and skin damage become less visible. The patient’s skin texture is improved, and pore size is reduced. It’s a safe non-surgical method of restoring a person’s youthful appearance.

We recommend a series of at least 3 treatments done 4 to 6 weeks apart

Treatments must be used within 12 months from time of purchase

Must present your receipt as proof of treatment purchase

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